Digital Video: How it can help you!
Digital video can fall under the content marketing umbrella and continues to be a popular option for marketers looking to reach prospects online. In fact, nearly three quarters of media buyers have increased their budgets for video. This increase is likely attributed to the growing base of online video viewers. Eighty-five percent of US Internet users have viewed a video online. Twenty-five percent of those videos viewed were ads. While associations and B2B organizations were initially less inclined to adopt video as a marketing platform, our ad sales manager and sales reps are increasingly seeing more interest by associations and advertisers in video.
Tactic: Offer videos on your website. Promote and distribute them in social media, in your email, and in mobile marketing campaigns to boost your association’s visibility and drive traffic to your site. Your videos can be:
- Case studies or testimonials on how advertising with your association helped a client
- Product videos showcasing your available advertising inventory options, features, and how each work best for particular advertisers and promotions
- FAQ videos which answer common advertiser questions
- Video infographics that illustrate benefits to advertisers using a whiteboard or animated video
Benefit: Consumers are 27 times more likely to click through to an online video than they are to a standard banner ad. Videos can also improve SEO rankings and increase your visibility among the advertisers you’d like to reach!
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