What is Native Advertising?!
Native Advertising
What is it? Native ads are digital ads that mimic the content on the site where it is found. Native ads have been controversial because they are easily mistaken for the site’s content which has been considered misleading to site readers. However, the similarity in design creates a less disruptive ad experience. So make sure sponsored content is clearly labeled as such for transparency.
Tactic: Research what types of sites your target advertisers visit and partner with their ad sales team to create content that will reach your audience. Here are some examples:
- An in-feed ad: The website’s ad sales team will design an editorial ad matching their tone and style but promoting your association’s ad sales options.
- Purchase search ads on search engines or social networks popular with your prospective advertiser, the ad can be found when a keyword you designate is searched.
- Use a custom ad which can vary from a video, list post, or homepage takeover depending on what site you choose to advertise with.
Benefit: The click through rates on native advertising have been found to be considerably higher than traditional digital advertising methods. They also generate an 82% lift in metrics such as awareness and purchase intent among users.
Get away with stealing the successful digital marketing tactics of B2C marketers for your business’ s ad sales with an experienced ad sales firm backing you up and guiding you along the way.
AdBoom Advertising can implement digital marketing tactics to attract advertisers and increase revenue for your print & digital ads as well as conferences. Contact us today to learn more!